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On 2nd, April, 2018, SINOYQX officially launched its YQX TG Thermoplastic Foam. YQX[…]

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On February 22, 2018, SINOYQX officially launched its MCA flame retardant. YarQuenXer,[…]

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Due to the New Year Holiday leave, SINOYQX marketing, sales, melamine foam manufacturing,[…]

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CHIYODA, an equipment manufacturer founded in Japan, its Malaysia branch, on 24th,[…]

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As an important platform for building ever closer relationship between 27 EU member[…]

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Due to the National Day holiday leave, SINOYQX marketing, sales, manufacturing, and[…]

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Tencent will team up with Guangzhou Automobile Group to develop smart cars in the[…]

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On 10th August, the 688km long Malaysia West Coast Railway project, contracted by[…]

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On Monday, August 28th, 2017, SINOYQX officially ticks off its melamine foam filled[…]

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Misharin, the Vice President of Russian Railways said on August 16th that the construction[…]

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